Dr Chiara Candelise is an experienced energy economist and policy specialist. Interested in cross disciplinary research in the field and with a forward looking interest into sustainability transitions and large scale changes in socio-economic and technical systems.
Leading UK expert on techno-economic, market and policy analysis of solar technologies, contributed to several research project in the field. Currently working on research projects on economic and technical conditions for successful integration of PV deployment within the UK electricity system, and on energy access and rural electrification.
Also working on emerging business and financing models for the deployment of renewables and energy efficiency, with a focus on community projects and shared ownership approaches. Leading expert on crowdfunding as innovative and potentially disruptive alternative finance tool and its application to the energy sector.
Strong track record in delivering high impact publications and research output and contributions to the energy policy debate. In her background work experience as economist at both private and public institutions, including the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
Research interests
Energy economics and policy
Techno-economic analysis of energy technologies
Distributed generation and grid integration
Energy access and rural electrification
Sustainable energy system transitions
Community energy and crowdfunding
PhD in Energy Economics, Imperial College London, UK
MSc in Economics, University College London, UK
B.A. in Economics, Bocconi University, Italy
Current activities
Research Fellow, OEET (Osservatorio Economie Emergenti Torino), Turin University
Research Fellow, GREEN (Centre for research in Geography, Resources, Environment, Energy and Networks), Bocconi University
Research Fellow, ICEPT (Imperial Centre for Energy Policy and Technology), Imperial College London
Selected pubblications
Wierling, A., Schwanitz, V.J., Zeiß, J.P., Bout, C., Candelise, C., Gilcrease, W., Sterling Gregg, J. (2018) “Statistical Evidence on the Role of Energy Cooperatives for the Energy Transition in European Countries” Sustainability, 10(9), 3339
Candelise, C. Westacott, P. (2017) “Can integration of PV within UK electricity network be improved? A GIS based assessment of storage benefits”, Energy Policy, Vol: 109, Pages: 694-703
Sandwell, P. Ngai Lam, A. C. Foster, S. Nagpala, D. Emmott, C. Candelise, Buckle, S. Ekins-Daukes, N. Gambhir, A. Nelson, J. (2016) “Off-grid solar photovoltaic systems for rural electrification and emissions mitigation in India”. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol: 156, Pages 147–156
Candelise, C. Winskel, M. Gross, R. (2013) “The dynamics of solar PV costs and prices as a challenge for technology forecasting. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol:26, ISSN:1364-0321, Pages:96-107 (63 citations)
Candelise C. Winskel M. Gross R. (2012) “Implications for CdTe and CIGS technologies production costs of indium and tellurium scarcity’ Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications. Vol: 20. Pages 816–831. (52 citations)
Candelise, C. Speirs, J. Gross R. (2011) “Materials availability for thin film (TF) PV technologies development: a real concern?” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review Journal. Vol: 15, Issue 9, Pages 4972–4981 (57 citations)
Candelise, C. Gross, R. Leach, M. (2010) “Conditions for photovoltaics deployment in the UK: the role of policy and technical developments”. Journal of Power and Energy. Volume 224, Pages 153-166. Number 2/2010
Book chapters
Candelise, C. (2016) “The application of crowdfunding to the energy sector “ in Crowdfunding for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Editor: Walter Wassallo. August 2016. IGI Global. ISBN: 9781522505686
Candelise, C. (2015) “Solar Energy, an untapped growing potential” in Global Energy: issues, potentials and policy implications, Editor(s) Ekins, Bradshaw, Watson. 17th September 2015. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198719526.
Candelise C. “Crowdfunding as a novel financial tool for district heating projects”, report committed by Euro Heat and Power Association as part of EU H2020 project TEMPO (Temperature Optimisation for Low Temperature District Heating across Europe). December 2018.
Candelise, C. "Crowdfunding per lo sviluppo locale" in Finanza sostenibile e sviluppo locale, Ed: Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile, IEFE Bocconi, IFEL. October 2017
Gross R, Heptonstall P, Candelise C, Jones, F. Castillo Castillo A, Greenacre P. Presenting the future: An assessment of future cost estimation methodologies in the electricity sector, 2013. London, Publisher: UKERC
Gross, R. Stern, J. Charles, C. Nicholls, J. Candelise, C. Heptonstall, P. Greenacre, P. 'On picking winners: the need for targeted support for renewable energy' ICEPT Working Paper, Imperial College London, October 2012
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